Friday, July 25, 2008

Family Support

I know that my parents love me and that they're worried sick about how I'm doing on my own again. --I know this because they call almost weekly (which they don't normally do) and try to convince me to move back to Colorado. They'll even pay for the plane tickets/gas/covered wagon to get me back home!

I know that my friends --you know who you are, and you know that I consider you even closer than family-- love me and care for me and are 'there' whether I need advice, a mop and bucket, or help with heavy lifting!

So imagine my surprise when Rich's older sister (Cindy) emails me and says that she would like to keep in touch with me, even though I'll no longer be part of Rifeland. She went on to say that she doesn't think that Rich has changed for the better and that her heart is breaking for me.


I emailed her back and said that I'd love to keep in touch with her (and her family). She's a truly loving, wonderful person and very much the older sister I never had. She is genuine in her friendship and honest in her living. I also told her (in the email) that I wasn't out to hurt Rich in this divorce. I wasn't taking EVERYTHING like Jen did and that I truly wish nothing but the best for Rich.

I'll be honest here. I did this #1: because it's the truth but also because #2: because I wanted his whole family to know that I'm not the 'bad guy' in this split.

So she emailed me back. Cindy let me know that SHE knows that I'm not a vindictive person (ala the first wife, Jen) and that Rich's mom and dad also think that Rich's mid-life change is NOT FOR THE BEST. Basically, his whole family think that he's going off the deep end.


Because apparently he's told them that he is trying to live a monastic life and that I couldn't do that. He wants simplicity and quiet and I just won't go there with him.

Naturally, I had to point out that monks don't have girlfriends and that regardless of the words coming out of his mouth, Rich is dating someone else now.

I think that family shit may be about to hit the fan in Rifeland.

1 comment:

Kassi Gilbert said...


on all counts. I am glad that his family is not harboring ill will against you, that is a plus, and I hope in the aftermath of truths revealed, you will surface (relatively) unscathed. You deserve to be happy no matter where you are.