Wednesday, August 6, 2008

22 Days

22 days until I'm officially single again.

22 days until I'm a Weber again. (One 'b'; I didn't stutter...... it's 'Weber', not "Web-ber"...)

22 days until the last (13-year) chapter in my life is closed.

Am I excited? Yeah, a bit.

Am I sad? Yeah, a bit.

Am I happy? ...I don't know.....

Am I repressing a deep depression? .......I really don't think so, but if I'm repressing it I wouldn't know for sure, would I??

The one thing that I DO know for sure is that I have the best, most supportive, and most affirming friends EVER! if only I can remember how to be single......

1 comment:

Kimba said...


love ya! I wish I was there in 22 days to take you out to celebrate!