Friday, August 3, 2007

I Have the Best Friend -- EVER!!

So I got home from work last night and brought in the mail.

There was a padded manilla envelope shoved into the mailbox, but I didn't think much of it. My husband is CONSTANTLY buying books and stuff online and I'm generally bringing one or two of these in a week anyway.

I put it on the counter where he could find it when he got home and sorted through the rest of the junk mail, bills, and college info (Pip gets TONS of "Look at us!" college shit weekly). When I turned back to put the bills in our inbox, I noticed the writing on the package looked suspiciously like Kimba's writing. I looked closer and it was! The envelope was for me!

I tore into the package like Rosie O'Donnell tearing into a package of Ring-Dings and there it was-- an iPod Shuffle. I read the note enclosed. Since she already had a Nano and I was still saving my duckets to buy one of my own, she sent me the Shuffle!

But wait!! It gets better!!!

She charged it and put some songs on it for me!!!!

Thank You Kimba!!!!!! You're the best friend EVER!!!


Kimba said...

Oh, I'm soooo glad to hear you got it!!! I knew instantly that I was going to send it to YOU! Now anytime you're out to visit you can steal some of my tunes! (Consider this the updated version of a mix tape! ha!)

Anonymous said...

I love the way the new shuffle looks! Very cool!