Friday, July 20, 2007

Just to Catch Everyone Up...

I suppose that I should start this by mentioning that our home computer's motherboard blew up the other week and I'm limited to when I can update this site. Somehow "The Man" just doesn't feel that blogging is an appropriate way to spend company time. I'd like to point out to "The Man" that as blogging is life and I feel like I sacrifice enough of my life to the workweek, it seems only logical that blog-time should include work time, but I value my paycheck too much to split hairs with the guy who signs them.

So, anyway...
The show went as well as it could, really. It's the sappiest Rodgers and Hammerstein out there! I mean with lyrics like: "Our state fair is the best state fair in our state" you can't expect the bar raised THAT high, now can you? Naturally, I totally kicked ass as a drunk pickles and mincemeat judge. Who'd have thunk that, eh?? The best thing about small community theater is the people you work with, and these people were some of the best. No one was too important to help schlep set pieces and/or props on and off the stage or to help with backstage costume changes.

I got to hang out with the "young adult" portion of the cast and found out that while I really enjoy hanging out with them, they tend to talk about themselves a lot. I guess that it's to be expected as they're still in college or have just graduated and don't know much else. I wanted to point out to them that they didn't even REALLY know themselves at this point in their lives, but it's such better lesson when you learn it yourself!

Besides, then I would have had to start hanging out with the 'parents'. Those people are no fun. (Just kidding- Inge, Tom, and Karen!!)

This weekend is auditions for "Beauty and the Beast". Yeah, I'm working on an audition piece in my spare time even though I don't really think that there's a part in it for me. There aren't any drunks -although I was told that there's a feather duster who's a little coquettish. (I only ever get cast as floozies and drunks...) I just can't picture myself in feathers.....

Well, time to get back to "The Man's" work.

Damn The Man!

1 comment:

Kimba said...

Ok, cheesier than "Oklahoma"?!? Ok, pretty even I'd say!
Yeah!! As for being dressed in feathers, come now, we all look fetching in maribou!
Miss you. Lots. *sob* When is CP again?