Thursday, May 17, 2007

Out of Respect, I've Held my Tongue

OK, I've held my mouth shut this long, but I can't hold still any longer.

The Rev. Jerry Falwell died the other day and I keep hearing the Munchkin chorus from the Wizard of Oz singing, "Ding, dong the witch is dead...". To some people, Rev. Falwell was an inspiration, but to many of the rest of us he was a hate-monger hiding behind a pulpit. In my opinion, the world is a much kinder, gentler place without people like him.

Don't get me wrong-- I'm all for spirituality and connecting daily with whatever higher power you believe in. It just ticks me off when one group's religious doctrine feels the need to dominate politics and insert its moral edicts into my daily life.

Things like "do not kill" and "do not steal" are generally considered laws to live by and I'm cool with that.

"You deserve to be treated like a second-class citizen and are going to hell for falling in love with someone of your same sex"- not really legally defensible..... more like an opinion.

And you know what they say about those.....

Part of me is hoping that Rev. Falwell made it to the pearly gates, was let in, and finally found out that the first gay pride float was the little boat that Jesus and the apostles fished out of.

I know that I'm going to Hell, so hold your scathing comments. I have it on good authority that it will be the good side of Hell and I figure that that ain't half bad.

1 comment:

Kimba said...

at least you, me and all our gay boys will be on the "good side of hell" together! No, we'll be having a blast dancing up in Heaven with free drinks for all!