Friday, December 12, 2008


So I'm not scheduled for the second job tonight. I'm getting the oil changed on my car (this will not resolve the "check engine" light issue, it's more for my own piece of mind) after work and debating on whether or not to do laundry before the weekend actually starts.

Regardless, I'll be checking my apartment for a tse-tse fly.


Because all friggin' week I haven't been able to stay awake past 10pm!! I've tried everything to stay awake but nothing is working, AND there's no logical reason for me to be soooo tired! Therefore if no logical reason is presenting itself, one must start looking at the illogical reasons. As I do not think that God would pick me as the mother of the second Messiah (the least of reasons being that whole "Virgin" clause was blown out of the water decades ago) I'm going with a rare, African wetland insect loose in my apartment and nightly stings me which causes me to pass out from fatigue.

It's really the only reason that makes sense.


Kassi Gilbert said...

Its been almost a YEAR since you have imparted wisdome onto the internets! : (

Kimmer said...

Well.......I have no wisdoms to give!
