Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wait Until January??

Did I really end my last post with that? I should learn not to tempt fate like that...

I had all the intentions of an easy month. Chorale doesn't pick up again until the 14th (our director is in Paris post-holiday), I'm not currently in a Playshop production, and (although we have a children's concert Feb first) church is low-key now that Advent and Christmas is over.

What was that? I'm IN a Playshop production? How could that be? I didn't even audition!

It turns out that one of the minor characters couldn't commit to her role after all, and now I'm 'Mary Sunshine' in Chicago. So now I have rehearsals on Tuesday nights, Friday nights, and Sunday afternoons. --And did I mention that opening night is a month from yesterday? Eeek!

The hardest part is that this character is neither drunk nor a floozy. I have no personal point of reference to base her on! --teehee.

"She" is, of course, a man.

I think I may have fun with this.....

1 comment:

Kimba said...

with those girls, a man...wow,you're a better actress than I thought! hahahahahha!
I'm trying to figure out coming to see you in the show. Let me know the details!!