Friday, September 5, 2008

Trying to Understand the Karma of it All

OK, so divorce court went well (I guess...?...). It made me giggle a little that the whole divorce court proceeding should take as long as the wedding ceremony...

I went to SSA afterwards and showed them my paperwork so that I can once again have my ethnicity back. Walked in, waited less than 5 minutes, filled out a form, and left the building in another 5 minutes.

On Friday (at 4:30 no less...) I went to the BVR to change my driver's license to my maiden name and was told that the state of Indiana had a hold on my license. They gave me the # to the Indiana BVR and I called there (at 4:53pm). Welllllll, apparently I had gotten a ticket in Michigan and not paid some fine, so the state of Michigan sent some form to Indiana and I can't renew my license there. The (bitchy) woman in Indiana gave me the # to the Michigan Secretary of State and told me to clear things up with them.

......oh.......and this "Mystery Ticket" is from December of 1998......

Since it was a holiday weekend, I couldn't call anyone until Tuesday. I tried to call after work, but --apparently-- there was some kind of power outage in Lansing and they didn't have computers. I called again yesterday around 4pm.

The Secretary of State lady was (actually) pleasant as she could be. She said that I had NO outstanding tickets in that state either by my married or maiden names. She said that she didn't see any reason why Indiana wouldn't let me renew my Ohio license and gave me a different # to call in Indianapolis.

So I called the other # and got this PMS-ing bitch of a woman. I explained what I was trying to do and how I'd already called the state of Michigan and that they couldn't find what the state of Indiana was referring to by an unpaid ticket. I --further-- explained to the woman that in December of 1998, I was living in Michigan. We had moved there in October of 1998 and that I didn't understand how they could have gotten my Indiana license when I didn't have it any longer.

Basically, Ms. Bitchy McPMS told me that there was nothing that she could do. I had to pay the state $150 to reinstate my license, that was the ONLY way that she could take the block off of my license. After listening to her patronize me for 10 minutes, I asked to speak to her manager.

Who was twice the bitch that the first lady was!

She didn't seem to care that Michigan hadn't issued any kind of "hold" or that I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE AN INDIANA LICENSE when this "ticket" had occurred!! She wasn't listening to a friggin' word I said!! It was all I could do not to call her a fu%*ing c#nt right then and there! --And as potty as my mouth can get, I NEVER use the C-word.

So I copied my three proofs of address (this -again- the Indiana people couldn't understand. I pay my bills electronically. I receive my statements online. There are no envelopes or bills that come my way in the snail mail) and I sent the friggin' state of Indiana 150 goddammed dollars for what --I assume-- is THEIR friggin' error. (Let's be honest, I don't have the $1500 retainer for a lawyer, let alone the time and effort to argue this any further.)

The karma bit is this:
When we were first married, I filled out the SSA papers and mailed them in. The next year (when we filed taxes) I got a notice that my name didn't match "Rife" on my W-2 forms. I filled this out again (in the crap state of Indiana).

We moved to Michigan and --again-- I was notified that my name was still "Weber" on some form of legal something. I went --again!-- to the SSA and filled out the friggin' form.

When I moved back to Ohio (after living in Wisconsin for 6 mos) I had to become a notary, and was **you guessed it!** notified YET AGAIN that my social security records were STILL in my maiden name! I went to the SSA offices in downtown Toledo filled out the friggin form (by memory this time...) and within 2 weeks, I had my "Rife" social security card.

NOW, I can't change anything else over until I'm back to being a "Weber" and the sucking hellhole of a state known as Indiana won't let me change back!

What am I supposed to learn from this? Never change your name? Know who you are and don't forget it? Take the good times from your marriage into your future?

I just want my goddammed name back!

.....oh yeah.......I overnighted that money order*!

*I'd send a check, but as my address hasn't been updated on it, I'm afraid it would just confuse the people in Indiana. Their pea-picking brains can't seem to comprehend much......

**By the way, I don't see the logic in updating my checks until AFTER my name is changed (since it's both address and name that are different) and I can't do that until I get my new STATE ISSUED ID!

I'm almost beginning to feel that this marriage will NEVER be over......